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Welcome to the homepage for ARG Paranormal, a group of paranormal investigators based out of Visalia, California.  Our goal is to be as scientific and thorough as possible during our investigations while being able to comprehensibly present our methods and findings to anyone interested.  We primarily focus on thermal imaging but employ a wide range of scientific tools and methods during our investigations.  There are many different types of phenomena and no single tool can detect them all, especially in a field with so many theories and uncertainties.

We have conducted many investigations and have recorded unexplained or unexplainable phenomena that we hope you will find interesting.  Each investigation can produce dozens of hours of footage and is carefully examined in real-time by the ARG members that were present in order to ensure accurate findings.  Lack of situational awareness is the easiest way to produce false-positives or even miss something completely amazing.  The paranormal is often a field of subtlety, and you can miss a lot if you're not paying attention!

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Unless stated otherwise, all images, files, and other content on this website are property of ARG Paranormal and may not be used, copied, or displayed without our permission.  We feel such steps must be taken in order to ensure accurate representation of our findings and content.

Home About ARG Information Investigations Equipment Evidence Links Contact Us