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AlphaLab Trifield EMF Meter
Electromagnetic Field Detector
The Trifield EMF Meter is an excellent tool.  It has three different types of detection and four settings.  The first two settings measure magnetic fields, with a detection range of 0-100 and 0-3 milligauss respectively.  The third measures electric fields in the 0-100 kilovolts/meter range, and the radio/microwave up to 3GHz.  The 0-3 magnetic setting is so sensitive that many normal household appliances will send it off the scale.  For that reason, we normally use the 0-100 range unless we are in a location with absolutely no electricity.  We tend to use magnetic over electric due to the fact that it seems to encompass a wider range of detection.  Electrical objects will typically generate a magnetic field, while something magnetic will not necessarily generate an electrical field.

This Trifield has had several modifications added by the factory.  The top left switch toggles LED backlighting on and off.  This makes it extremely nice for dark investigations as trying to hold a flashlight on an unlit meter can be distracting to you and everyone around you, not to mention it frees up a hand.  The knob on the right controls the audible alarm.  When activated, it is used by turning the knob until just before the sound is heard, or lower if the desire is to only pick up more dramatic spikes.  This sets the background level so that it will sound only when the meter detects a reading higher than what the alarm is set at.  This makes it possible to set the meter down on the other side of the room without losing functionality.

Alphalab Trifield Natural EM Meter
Electromagnetic Field Detector
Like the Trifield above, this device detects electromagnetic fields.  Unlike the Trifield above, it is designed to ignore fields generated by man-made objects.  The scales are the same, with the exception of a sum setting replacing the 0-3 magnetic range.  The sum setting combines both the electric and magnetic settings to detect changes in either field.  While we have added LED backlighting to this as well, the alarm knob comes standard.

Using this meter is a little different than that of the standard Trifield.  Due to the fact that the magnetic setting extremely sensitive to Earth's natural magnetic field, using it while moving will produce very unstable readings.  This means that ideally it is placed across the room using the sum setting with the alarm set to just above the current background level.

The electric setting is designed to be so sensitive that it can reliably detect humans and animals from up to 10 feet away.  While we have not been able to detect humans from more than 2 inches away, we have noticed that it is very sensitive to static electricity stored in plastic surfaces such as tarps and trash bags.

One thing to note is that there are two models of the Natural EM meter.  The Model 2 adds an AC power adapter while the Model 1 is battery only.  They are very similar on the surface but the model 2 has a very important difference: the sum setting combines magnetic and radio/microwave detection, instead of the electric and magnetic combination on the Model 1.  This makes the Model 1 much more useful for paranormal investigations.

Sperry EMF-200A
Electromagnetic Field Detector
This device is referred to by many people as simply an 'EMF Meter' due to being one of the more common detectors in use by paranormal investigators today.  It has a range of 0.1-199.9 milligauss and is extremely simple to use and understand due to the digital readout on the LCD screen.  One huge benefit of the Sperry is that, unlike most EMF meters, it is unaffected by radio frequencies.  The downside is that it has no backlighting, meaning much of the time a flashlight is needed in order to see it during investigations.  It is a very useful tool for familiarizing oneself with how electromagnetic fields work and what causes them.

"Ghost Meter"
Electromagnetic Field Detector
An inexpensive EMF meter that makes a decent backup or starter for those that cannot afford a Sperry or Trifield.  It has a detection range of 0-5 milligauss and the light will flash at a rate based on the reading.  This can make it useful for leaving in a room with a video recording system as it would be impossible to get a camera to focus on the LCD of a Sperry and still get a good view of the room.  It might not give you much information on what was going on, but it would at least indicate you to the fact that something was happening.

K-II Meter
Manual Electromagnetic Field Detector
The K-II is an EMF meter with a range of up to 20 milligauss.  The lights will light up based on the intensity of the field, with red being a 20 or higher.  It is operated by holding one or both thumbs down on the switch in the middle, though there are some modifications that use objects such as a coin to hold it down and newer models may come with an on/off switch.   Some people claim it can be used to "talk" to spirits.  Typically this is done in the form of yes/no questions by telling spirits they can light up the lights once for no or twice for yes.  Your legacy lives on, Captain Pike.

ARG itself is unsure about this use.  While they never seem to want to "talk" to us, we have been in groups with multiple K-II users getting individual answers to questions.  Statistically speaking, if someone were trying to fake results by generating an electromagnetic field through whatever means, it would be very difficult to project such a small and precise field across entire rooms as to only lighting up one meter.

One of these instances was in the 1st Class Pool on the R.M.S. Queen Mary in December, 2007.  The room is very large and people were spaced out on both floors and across the room from others.  A K-II session was being conducted to which one person would seem to get an answer to one question, and then shortly after someone across the room would get an answer to another question.  Interestingly enough, our Sperry never picked up anything above the background reading of 0.1, even when standing next to people getting results.  While we have found that is possible to silently manipulate the thumb switch and cause the K-II to light up, we know some of these people and do not believe they would try to fake something like that.  Statistically speaking, eight people trying to fake K-II results over the course of 30 minutes would overlap with one or more other people many times, which was not the case.

Unfortunately, the frequency range on the K-II makes it extremely susceptible to mobile phones and other communication devices.  It is very important to keep such devices powered down during an investigation.  The K2 also seems to be a popular target for fraud due to the visual element of its use.  We suggest looking into a radio frequency detector that will display the frequency of the strongest source.  We use one and have had great success in detecting false positives and fraudulent results.

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